KATMAJ Filtration - ceramic membrane element for microfiltration, ultrafiltration and nanofiltration from producers like Atech Innovations, Inopor, Metawater, CTI, Likuid Nanotek, Tami, Orelis, Mantec, tubular capilary ceramic membranes

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tubular ceramic membrane elements from producers like atech innovations GmbH, Inopor GmbH, Tami, Orelis, GEA, DellaTofolla, Della Toffola CFK-N CFK-I OMNIA for crossflow ultrafiltration cross-flow microfiltration  UF NF MF membranes 37/2 61/2 37/4 19/4 19/6 19/8 37/4 37/3,8 7/6 61/2,5 61/4 85/3,3 211/2 85/3.3

Ceramic membrane elements

KATMAJ Filtration - ceramic membrane element for microfiltration, ultrafiltration and nanofiltration from producers like atech innovations GmbH, Inopor GmbH, Tami, Orelis, GEA, DellaTofolla, Della Toffola CFK-N CFK-I OMNIA for crossflow ultrafiltration cross-flow microfiltration UF NF MF membranes 37/2 61/2 37/4 19/4 19/6 19/8 37/4 37/3,8 7/6 61/2,5 61/4 85/3,3 211/2 85/3.3

We offer ceramic membrane elements from high quality producers from the EU.

Available element diameters: 10 mm, 25,4 mm (1"), 30 mm, 41 mm, 52 mm

Available element lenght: up to 1500 mm

Available channels per element: 

1 x 6mm (OD 10mm)
1 x 16mm / 7 x 6mm / 19 x 3,3mm / 37 x 2mm (OD 25 - 25,4 mm = 1")
19 x 4mm (OD 30mm)
19 x 6mm / 37 x 3,8mm / 61 x 2,5mm (OD 40 - 42 mm)
19 x 8mm / 61 x 4mm / 85 x 3,3mm / 211 x 2mm (OD 50 - 52 mm)

Available separation range: 

ULTRAFILTRATION - 1.000 / 5.000 / 15.000 / 25.000 / 100.000 / 150.000 kDa MWCO

MICROFILTRATION - 0,05 µm / 0,1µm / 0,2µm / 0,4µm / 0,8µm / 1,2µm

We can offer ceramic membrane elements for microfiltration, ultrafiltration and nanofiltration from european cermic membrane producers like Atech Innovations, Inopor, Metawater, CTI, Likuid Nanotek, Tami, Orelis, Mantec ....

individual housings: we offer also ETO - engineer to order - solutions, housings of up to 300mm diameter and 4000mm lenght, and small laboratory units made from stainless steel, PP, PVC or ABS

ubular ceramic membrane elements from producers like atech innovations GmbH, Inopor GmbH, Tami, Orelis, GEA, DellaTofolla, Della Toffola CFK-N CFK-I OMNIA for crossflow ultrafiltration cross-flow microfiltration  UF NF MF membranes 37/2 61/2 37/4 19/4 19/6 19/8 37/4 37/3,8 7/6 61/2,5 61/4 85/3,3 211/2 85/3.3
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